Meeting documents

SCC Audit Committee
Thursday, 21st November, 2019 10.00 am

  • Meeting of Audit Committee, Thursday 21st November 2019 10.00 am (Item 159.)

To consider this report.


The Committee considered this report, the first since the value for money (VFM) conclusion for the 2018/19 financial year had been presented at the last meeting. It was noted that the updated tracker provided details of new recommendations and previous ones where relevant, including updates on progress of the last few weeks.


The VFM conclusion had reflected the positive response made by the Council to the previous recommendations but the except for rating also recognised that "there is still much to do within the Council to return it to a fully sustainable financial position" and it would be "critical that continued effort is directed to ensuring the positive trajectory over the last 12 months continues".


The overall position had improved, although the except for conclusion demonstrated that the level of improvement needed continued and sustained focus during 2019/20 to continue and embed current progress. There was a brief discussion about the budget setting process for 2020-23 and it was noted this had included a more rigorous approach involving scenario planning with review and challenge sessions of all assumptions including pressures, service demands, savings and funding.


Attention turned to Appendix A of the report and the VFM tracker and it was stated that several areas were showing an in-progress completion rate of 10 percent. Members heard that it related to action required and as it was not a mandatory field for completion it was often missed. The Chair suggested that the percentage field be made mandatory for those updating the VFM tracker, so that progress could be better demonstrated and more easily measured.


It was noted that the in-depth reports produced to assist the VFM conclusion on demand led services funding, specifically Children’s and Adult services had been presented to both Children’s and Adults Scrutiny meetings in October and November (respectively) alongside the VFM tracker. Continuous improvement was being made for financial reporting and the increased frequency of reporting would continue through Cabinet, Policy and Place Scrutiny and Children’s Scrutiny meetings and this would help to make financial reporting more accessible.


The Committee accepted the report and the Chair welcomed that an update report was brought to each meeting with identified actions. The Chair noted that continued progress would be required to ensure the improvements seen over the past year were maintained and financial resilience continued to improve throughout 2019/20 and future years.



The Committee considered this report, the first since the value for money (VFM) conclusion for the 2018/19 financial year had been presented at the last meeting. It was noted that the updated tracker provided details of new recommendations and previous ones where relevant, including updates on progress of the last few weeks.


The VFM conclusion had reflected the positive response made by the Council to the previous recommendations but the except for rating also recognised that "there is still much to do within the Council to return it to a fully sustainable financial position" and it would be "critical that continued effort is directed to ensuring the positive trajectory over the last 12 months continues".


The overall position had improved, although the except for conclusion demonstrated that the level of improvement needed continued and sustained focus during 2019/20 to continue and embed current progress. There was a brief discussion about the budget setting process for 2020-23 and it was noted this had included a more rigorous approach involving scenario planning with review and challenge sessions of all assumptions including pressures, service demands, savings and funding.


Attention turned to Appendix A of the report and the VFM tracker and it was stated that several areas were showing an in-progress completion rate of 10 percent. Members heard that it related to action required and as it was not a mandatory field for completion it was often missed. The Chair suggested that the percentage field be made mandatory for those updating the VFM tracker, so that progress could be better demonstrated and more easily measured.


It was noted that the in-depth reports produced to assist the VFM conclusion on demand led services funding, specifically Children’s and Adult services had been presented to both Children’s and Adults Scrutiny meetings in October and November (respectively) alongside the VFM tracker. Continuous improvement was being made for financial reporting and the increased frequency of reporting would continue through Cabinet, Policy and Place Scrutiny and Children’s Scrutiny meetings and this would help to make financial reporting more accessible.


The Committee accepted the report and the Chair welcomed that an update report was brought to each meeting with identified actions. The Chair noted that continued progress would be required to ensure the improvements seen over the past year were maintained and financial resilience continued to improve throughout 2019/20 and future years.

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